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It is important to understand that every tattoo will heal differently. There are variables to take into account during your healing time. These can be, but are not limited to:


- The size of your tattoo

- Your skin type, as every customer has different skin 

- Pigment required for your tattoo

- Amount of time your procedure has taken 

- The area effected by tattoo ie; Elbow ditch, knee ditch, around bones, neck, hands etc,

   all have different needs of aftercare.




Using fresh, clean items during your healing process is recommended (bed sheets, fresh towel or paper towel, clean clothes). Hygiene is extremely important when caring for a fresh tattoo.


Remember that a healthy body will heal your tattoo better and more efficiently then a body with a run down immune system. So try to drink plenty of water before, during and after your tattoo. Taking multi-vitamins, sleeping and eating well will also help. 


It is essential to avoid infection during the healing process of your tattoo. ALWAYS wash your hands before applying cream or touching your new tattoo. Your new tattoo will take from 5 - 20 days to heal.













1 hour after the procedure, remove the wrap and wash your tattoo with an anti bacterial liquid soap, containing no fragrance. Pat dry with a clean towel or fresh paper towel. We recommend you allow to completely dry overnight before adding any cream. The following morning, repeat the cleaning process, pat dry and allow to dry for 1-2 hours.


After this you can apply a thin film of aftercare cream, we suggest and supply Doctor Pickles Tattoo Balm.​ ONLY reapply aftercare if your tattoo feels dry and tight.


**Throughout your healing process, avoid applying cream to any areas with thick, heavy scabbing that feels painful to touch. These areas need to dry out.


Day 1 - 7 

Clean your tattoo once in the morning and once at night and repeat the steps by applying a small film of aftercare cream. A few days into healing, your tattoo may become itchy. It is vital NOT to itch or scratch at your new tattoo. 


Day 7 - 14

Wash once in the morning and once at night. Only apply aftercare when tattoo is dry and tight. 


Day 14 +

 By this stage the tattoo will likely be past the initial stages of healing: 


- Peeling/flaking 

- Irritation/redness

- Itchiness


After this you can go back to your normal daily cleaning routine.

Apply aftercare or moisturizer once a day if you choose to.

Applying sunscreen before exposure to the sun will keep your tattoo looking bright and fresh for longer. 



​Things to avoid while healing:


- Pet hair dog ,cat, horse, goat as this can cause infections 

- DIRECT SUNLIGHT! Don't expose your fresh tattoo to the harsh sun.

- Soaking in baths/pools/spas 

- Cross Contamination eg, dirty hands/surfaces

- Tight Clothing such as leggings. This will help prevent any fluid being trapped in the area


Things to look out for:


- Redness, burning, rash

- Yellow matter (signs of  infection)

- Extreme swelling


If any of this occurs please contact us IMMEDIATELY and you will be advised what to do.




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